11월, 2016의 게시물 표시

Install Google Play Store on Android 7.1.1(API 25) emulator

Install Google Play Store on Android 7.1.1(API 25) emulator - 안드로이드 7.1.1(API 25) 에뮬레이트에 구글 플레이 스토어 설치 # Required Packages GAPPS Package (select x86_64, 7.1, pico)  lzip (on Mac using home-brew: brew install lzip )  # Installation Procedures 1. Create Android Virtual Device(AVD) # android avd 2. Download  Open Apps package  for the emulator’s virtual device select x86_64, 7.1, pico and click download button downloaded file :  open_gapps-x86_64-7.1-pico-xxxxxxxx.zip 3. Extract  .apk  files from downloaded package unzip open_gapps-x86_64-7.1-pico-xxxxxxxx.zip we require the following 4 files Core/gmscore-x86_64.tar.lz Core/gsfcore-all.tar.lz Core/gsflogin-all.tar.lz Core/vending-all.tar.lz extract *.lz files using lzip and tar lzip -d -c gmscore-x86_64.tar.lz | tar xvf - lzip -d -c gsfcore-all.tar.lz | tar xvf - lzip -d -c gsflogin-all.tar.lz | tar xvf - lzip -d -c vending-all.tar....